There are fender benders and then there are crashes. It’s the car crashes that have the most protentional to cause the most property damage and personal injury. Car crashes can cause fatalities because of the forces involved.
Side-impact accidents are commonly referred to as getting T-Boned. Side-impact accidents result in broken windows, a bent frame, and can also cause vehicle rollover.
A side-impact collision is often unexpected and out of your line of sight, but there are things you can do to prevent it from happening. Before going through an intersection quickly scan the other directions to make sure it’s safe. Do this at green lights and stop signs as part of being an aware defensive driver. Side-impacts tend to be more severe because there’s nothing there to absorb the blow or to protect passengers from the oncoming force.
Head-On Collision
Understanding head-on collisions requires your knowledge of physics. When you hit a stationary, solid object, like a wall, the vehicle’s force is spread out across the whole wall and the damage is concentrated and the wall isn’t pushing back against the car. A head-on collision is exactly the opposite because in this case both cars receive the full force of the crash. Head-on collisions are rare, but unfortunately about 60% of head on collisions end in fatalities. Head-on collisions are common in low-visibility situations like rain or fog, narrow roads, or because of an impaired driver.
To avoid a head-on collision keep an eye out for reckless drivers and follow the rules of the road, including speed limits. Avoid distracted driving at all costs.
Rollovers occur from side-impacts, sudden emergency braking, and crashes into off-road ditches. Rollovers are extremely serious, often deadly. Avoid rollovers by being aware of your surroundings and try not to slam on your breaks.
Photo by Artyom Kulakov from Pexels